01 Jun Worship Bulletin: 6/4/23
Welcome to Worship at the McPherson Church of the Brethren
We invite your active participation in the life of this congregation, as together we continue to grow in grace and seek justice for God’s creation.
Sunday, June 4, 2023 @ 10:15 a.m.
Gathering Music
Video Welcome
Sharing Time: Joys & Concerns
Centering Music | “Let the Life I’ve Lived Speak for Me” | Gwyneth Walker
Worship Choir
Let the life I’ve lived speak for me. Let the life I’ve lived speak for me.
When I come to the end of the road and I lay down my heavy load, let the life I’ve lived speak for me.
Let the friends I’ve made speak for me. Let the friends I’ve made speak for me.
When I come to the end of the road and I lay down my heavy load, let the friends I’ve made speak for me.
Lay down your burden and rest with the setting sun. All the beauty of your life will shine when the day is done.
Let the love I’ve shared speak for me. Let the love I’ve shared speak for me.
Let the love that I’ve tried to share and the burdens I’ve struggled to bear;
all this life of joy and care speak for me. Let the life I’ve lived speak for me.
Opening Words of Affirmation and Invitation | Christine Longhurst (adapted)
We gather together in the name of Jesus – members of God’s family – brothers and sisters to one another.
There are no outsiders here among us, no one has any special standing or bragging rights.
For we have been brought together by the gracious, inclusive love of Jesus. Let us join together in worship!
Opening Song | “What is this Place” | #1
Story for the Children | Barbara Wagoner
Video Invitation to Give
Give online or send a check made payable to “McPherson Church of the Brethren,” 200 N. Carrie, McPherson, KS 67460
Musical Offering | “There is a Balm in Gilead” | arr. Charity Book Putnam
Ellen Gilbert, piano
Church Family; Bill Grove, Lois Grove
Congregational Renewal of Membership Vows
Congregational Words of Support for one Another:
I re-welcome you – with joy and affection – into this family of faith.
I freely share with you – support, prayers, and love.
I re-commit to walk with you in Jesus’ footsteps; welcoming the inspiration of the Spirit –
as together we humbly seek God’s peace and love. Welcome AGAIN!!
Song | “Bless’d be the Tie that Binds” | #421
(verses 1 thru 4)
Poem of Remembrance
A Time to Remember – June 2022 thru May 2023
Please engage in silent reflection as we respectively remember the lives of these members and friends
Prayer of Thanks
Scripture Focus | 1 Timothy 3:15 & Ephesians 2:19
Message | “In Remembrance ” | Kathryn Whitacre
(membership in the family of God)
Sending Song | “God Be With You Till We Meet Again”
Sending Words
Sending Music | “Echo” | Samuel Scheidt
Ellen Gilbert, organ
Videography and Editing: Eric Goering
Music Coordinator: Ellen Gilbert
Choir Director: Becky Snell
Technical Crew: Eric Goering, Ryan Goering, Shane Kirchner, Steve Lolling & Chris Whitacre
Chancel Decoration Team: Jill Brax, Colleen Gustafson, Michele Johnson, Shane Kirchner & Lara Schoming