17 Mar Church Activities Update
Dear McPherson Church of the Brethren:
In our last communication on Saturday, March 14, 2020, we promised to be back in touch with you this week. It is with many emotions that we communicate the following:
There will be NO activities on Wednesday nights for the remainder of the academic year – NO meals, NO Kingdom Kids, NO Junior High, NO Senior High, NO Choir, NO Bells and NO meetings of any type or kind.
There will be NO face-to-face worship or Sunday School/Spiritual Growth time for the next four Sundays – March 22, 29 and April 5, 12 – at which time we will re-evaluate the level of health and safety in the nation and make a determination about how to proceed. Yes, this means through Easter.
We will continue to bring you worship electronically. We invite you to worship with us by turning on local cable Channel 13 or by joining the stream on our YouTube channel either live or at a time of your choosing. All services are archived by date and available for you to watch. Our worship bulletin is available on our website.
During Holy Week we will broadcast a Love Feast service on Thursday, April 9, and a Good Friday service on Friday, April 10, (times will be shared at a later date). We are in contact with baptismal candidates and each family will decide their level of comfort for being baptized Easter Sunday with ONLY family present.
It takes approximately ten to twenty of us to bring you worship electronically. Special thanks to the Audio Visual crew and the Musicians who have agreed to be part of this amazing alternative to meeting in person.
Again, we believe this is the safest and most responsible action we can take as people who are called to love one another in sickness and in health. We encourage you to reach out to others through the blessings of electronic media.
Please communicate critical concerns to the pastoral staff at:
chris@macbrethren.org or 620.480.9370
jerry@macbrethren.org or 620.504.2773
kathryn@macbrethren.org or 620.480.9037
Thank You for your patience and support as we journey in a new way – Peacefully, Simply, Together.
Kathryn, Jerry, Chris