Worship Bulletin – 3/15/20

Worship Bulletin – 3/15/20

McPherson First Church of the Brethren
We invite your active participation in the life of this congregation, as together we continue to grow in grace and seek justice for God’s creation.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Gathering Music | Guitar Selections

Sharing Time
…a time of greeting and sharing those things which inform who we are as a community of faith and how God is moving among us. You are invited to welcome visitors, share joys, prayer requests and announcements.

Focusing Music | “Prelude to God’s Word” | Rex Koury

Old Testament Scripture | Exodus 17: 1-7

Call to Worship

*Opening Song | “O Let All Who Thirst” | #495

Invitation to Give
Giving Music | “Above All” | Lenny LeBlanc, Paul Baloche
Above all powers Above All Kings Above all nature and all created things
Above all wisdom and all the ways of man You were here before the world began
Above all kingdoms Above all thrones Above all wonders the world has ever known
Above all wealth and treasures of the earth There’s no way to measure what you’re worth
Crucified Laid behind the stone You lived to die Rejected and alone
Like a rose trampled on the ground You took the fall And thought of me Above all
Giving Blessing

Special Music | “Blessed Be Your Name” | Beth Redman, Matt Redman

Response Prayer of Confession | Rev Gord (adapted)
God of Living Water, you call us to come and drink.
We often ignore that call and complain that there is not enough water.
You call us to strike the rocks of our world and let your Living Water flow.
But we do not trust enough that the spring is there.
We want to find the water on our own, using our own wisdom.
You call us to share the Water of Life with the world around us.
But we believe that the water is limited,
not abundant and so we are tempted to save it for ourselves.
For all the times we turn away from your Water,
For all the times we sully the Water by misusing it,
For all the times we let others go thirsty instead of offering a drink,
Forgive us we pray.
The Water of Life flows with abundance to fill us with hope,
to cleanse us, to float us to a new life.
Washed in the Living Water,
we are forgiven and set free to live abundant life.
Thanks and praise to God, our Living Water thru whom we never thirst. AMEN

Song of Faith | “In Christ Alone” | Insert | Keith Getty, Stuart Townend

Children’s Time
Following story: Childcare provided for infant thru Kindergarten in the Education Building

Scripture Song | “Jesus, Rock of Ages” | #515
(congregation sing chorus)

Scripture Focus | John 4:7, 9-11, 13-14 | abridged

Message | “Sir, Give Me This Water!” | Jerry Bowen
After an intentional pause – please rise for the sending song

*Sending Song | “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say” | #493
*Sending Words
Sending Music

Pastoral Staff – Jerry Bowen, Chris Whitacre & Kathryn Whitacre
Coordinator of Music and Organist/Pianist/Accompanist – Ellen Gilbert
Director of Bells – Kendra Flory
Director of Worship Choir – Becky Snell
Chancel Décor – Lent/Easter Team
Sharing Time – Dan Lichty
Acolytes – Brielle Rothrock & Kaitlyn Nichols
Worship Leader – Kathryn Whitacre
Children’s Time – Barbara Wagoner
Worship Band – Jon Flory Schrock, Jeremy Hanna, Frances Hendricks,
Wylene Lengel, Brent Shugart, Deb Wagoner, Carol Ward
Screens – Ira Whitacre
Director/Camera – To Be Determined
Sound – Shane Kirchner
Greeters – Art and Karen Hoch
Ushers – Bruce & Janell Clary; Doug & Tandy Wine
Head Usher – Glenn Gayer
Balcony Usher – Mike Goering
Childcare Attendant – Kendra Maples

Reminder: The bulletin announcements/weekly newsletter are sent to your email address every Friday with “COB Communications” caption in the address line. You may pick up a paper copy from the stand on the sanctuary level or from the literature rack immediately inside the Education Building front door.