01 Mar Worship Bulletin – 3/1/20
McPherson First Church of the Brethren
We invite your active participation in the life of this congregation, as together we continue to grow in grace and seek justice for God’s creation.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Gathering Music
“Bless the Lord, O My Soul” with “Take the Name of Jesus” | arr. Cindy Berry
“He is Lord” with “When Morning Gilds the Skies” | arr. Cindy Berry
Sharing Time
40 Days of Creation Care
…a time of greeting and sharing those things which inform who we are as a community of faith and how God is moving among us. You are invited to welcome visitors, share joys, prayer requests and announcements.
Focusing Music | “Adoration” | Tom Fettke
Invitation to Worship
Worship Choir | “Come to Me” | Elaine Schram
Come to me. You who are weary, you who are heavy laden.
Come to me. You who are weary, I will give you rest.
Come to me. For I am gentle and I am humble; come to me.
Take my yoke upon you for my yoke is easy.
Take my yoke upon you for my burden is light. Come to me.
Thank You
Past Worship Team Chair, Jean Hendricks
Past Leadership Team Chair, Wylene Lengel
Caregiving Ministers | Purpose & Intent
Executive Officers
Chair, Lela Beam | Moderator, Roger Schrock | Clerk, Beth Versaw | Treasurer, Carolyn Masterson
Caregiving Ministry Team
Chair, Charlotte Loewen | Liaison, Chris Whitacre
Rita Beam, Doris Coppock, Emilie Dell, Bonnie & Dave Fruth, Cheryl Hammarland, Francis Hendricks, Janette Hess, Jim Hoffman, Wylene Lengel, Lynne Lichty, Linda Miller, Susan Taylor, Elly Ullom, Bruce Wagoner, Carol & Marty Ward
Faith Formation Team
Chair, Suzee Shugart | Liaison, Jerry Bowen
Daisy Friesen, Jessica Griffith, Ken Holderread, Carolyn Schrock
Fellowship/Hospitality Team
Chair, To Be Determined | Leadership Team Rep, Karlene Tyler | Liaison, Kathryn Whitacre
Janette Hess, Cindy Kinnamon, Bud Taylor
Outreach Team
Chair, Kendra Bowen | Liaison, Jerry Bowen
Paul & Nancy Magnall, Autumn Wilgers
Properties Team
Chair, Phil Stover | Liaison, Chris Whitacre
Andrew Gustafson, Jon Flory Schrock
Stewardship of Finance Team
Chair, Bryan Hess | Liaison, Kathryn Whitacre
Carolyn Masterson, Jaymie Rothrock
Worship Team
Chair (until April 30, 2020), Jean Hendricks | Liaison, Kathryn Whitacre
Music Liaison, Ellen Gilbert
Doris Coppock, Ann Flory, Kendra Flory, Carol Ward, LeRoy Weddle
Youth Team
Chair, Matt Friesen, Chair | Liaison, Jerry Bowen
Dennis & Stephanie Pfeiff, Dustin Wilgers, Abby Paulsen
*Unison Words of Thanks and Support
We thank you for your time, energy and abilities to lead us –
performing the tasks that are seen and unseen.
We thank you for your commitment to God’s work through the work of this congregation.
We commit to support you and refrain from behavior that would cause you to stumble.
May your service be blessed!
*Song of Blessing | “There Are Many Gifts” | #304
Invitation to Give
Giving Music | “How Can I Keep from Singing” | arr. John Atteberry
Giving Prayer | Ann Siddall (Adapted)
Children’s Time
Following story: Childcare provided for infant thru Kindergarten in the Education Building
Scripture Song | “Jesus, Tempted in the Desert” | Insert
Scripture Focus | Matthew 4: 1-11 | Paraphrase
Jesus tempted in the Wilderness
Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness and tempted; forty days and forty nights.
The tempter said,
“If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.”
Jesus answered,
“It is written, ‘One does not live by bread alone, but by every word
that comes from the mouth of God.'”
The tempter placed Jesus on the pinnacle of the temple, saying,
“If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down; for it is written,
‘God will command angels concerning you,’ AND ‘On their hands they will
bear you up, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.'”
“Again it is written, ‘Do not put God to the test.'”
The tempter showed Jesus all the wonders of the world and their splendor; the tempter said,
“All this I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.”
Jesus said,
“Away with you, Tempter!, for it is written, ‘Worship God, and serve only God.'”
Then the tempter left and suddenly angels came and waited on Jesus.
Message | “this world or God’s world” | Kathryn Whitacre
After an intentional pause – please rise for the sending song
*Sending Song | “Have Thine Own Way Lord” | #504
*Sending Words
Sending Music
Pastoral Staff – Jerry Bowen, Chris Whitacre & Kathryn Whitacre
Coordinator of Music and Organist/Pianist/Accompanist – Ellen Gilbert
Director of Bells – Kendra Flory
Director of Worship Choir – Becky Snell
Chancel Décor – Lent/Easter Team
Sharing Time – Ann Stover
Acolytes – Nathan Friesen & Elliot Schoming
Worship Leader – Jerry Bowen
Children’s Time – Dawn Hoffman
Screens – Ira Whitacre
Director/Camera – To Be Determined
Sound – Shane Kirchner
Greeters – Art and Karen Hoch
Ushers – Bruce and Janell Clary & Doug and Tandy Wine
Head Usher – Glenn Gayer
Balcony Usher – Mike Goering
Childcare Attendant – Kendra Maples
Reminder: The bulletin announcements/weekly newsletter are sent to your email address every Friday with “COB Communications” caption in the address line. You may pick up a paper copy from the stand on the sanctuary level or from the literature rack immediately inside the Education Building front door.