16 Feb Worship Bulletin – 2/16/20
McPherson First Church of the Brethren
We invite your active participation in the life of this congregation, as together we continue to grow in grace and seek justice for God’s creation.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Gathering Music
“Holy, Holy, Holy” | arr. Mark Hayes
“Praise Him! Praise Him!” | arr. Mark Hayes
Sharing Time
…a time of greeting and sharing those things which inform who we are as a community of faith and how God is moving among us. You are invited to welcome visitors, share joys, prayer requests and announcements.
Focusing Music | “Come Now, O Prince of Peace”
Come now, O Prince of Peace, make us one body; come,
O Lord Jesus, reconcile your people.
Come now, O God of love, make us one body; come,
O Lord Jesus, reconcile your people.
Come now and set us free, O God our Savior; come, O Lord Jesus, reconcile all nations.
Come, hope of unity, make us one body; come, O Lord Jesus, reconcile all nations.
Unison Prayer | Reverend Mindi (adapted)
Merciful, Compassionate, Reconciling God;
We admit that we do not always love our neighbor.
We acknowledge that we have despised others, sometimes even to the point of hatred.
We declare that we have been hurt by others.
We confess that forgiveness and reconciliation, at times seem impossible.
We prepare to worship You knowing that in You; nothing is impossible.
We come to You, seeking healing and wholeness.
Help us; to learn once again to live in peace with others,
to seek reconciliation, healing and forgiveness. AMEN
*Opening Song | “Brothers and Sisters of Mine” | #142
Invitation to Give
Giving Music | “Chorale” from Finlandia | Jean Sibelius
Giving Prayer
Worship Choir | “Amazing Grace” | Peter Amidon | Becky Snell, Soloist
Children’s Time
Following story: Childcare provided for infant thru Kindergarten in the Education Building
Song for Peace | “Put Peace into Each Other’s Hands” | Insert | verses 1 & 2
Responsive Words for Reconciliation | posted on Interrupting the Silence (adapted)
When we are hopeless and sad, when we are angry and vengeful.
When tears become our only food, when we grieve and despair.
When we are fearful and faithless, O God, lead us home.
When in grief, anger, negligence, or ignorance
we have turned against you and against one another,
When we speak unjustly against others, when we blame unfairly,
when we withdraw or lash out,
When we seek revenge rather than reconciliation and peace,
When we have engaged in torture and denied justice
to members of the human family,
When we have demonized people of other religions, race, color, or ethnicity,
Merciful God, forgive and heal us.
Give us the will and courage to love and forgive our enemies.
Lead them and us from prejudice to truth,
Deliver them and us from hatred, cruelty, and revenge.
Enable us all to stand reconciled before you.
Be our strength, O God.
For the brave and courageous who are patient in suffering,
faithful in adversity, and selfless in sacrifice,
For all who participate in interfaith dialogue, relationships, and reconciliation,
For all that is gracious in the lives of men and women, revealing the image of Jesus,
We thank you, God.
Song for Peace | “Put Peace into Each Other’s Hands” | Insert | verses 3 & 4
Scripture Focus | Matthew 5:21-26
Message | “…murder, anger, contempt, scorn – be reconciled…” | Kathryn Whitacre
After an intentional pause – please rise for the Sending Song
*Sending Song | “Go, My Children” | #433
*Sending Words
Sending Music | “Praise Ascending” | David Paxton
Pastoral Staff – Jerry Bowen, Chris Whitacre & Kathryn Whitacre
Coordinator of Music and Organist/Pianist/Accompanist – Ellen Gilbert
Director of Bells – Kendra Flory
Director of Worship Choir – Becky Snell
Chancel Décor – Shane Kirchner
Sharing Time – Bud Taylor
Acolytes – Reyna Bowen
Worship Leader – Jerry Bowen
Children’s Time – Gail Malaby
Pianist – Dan Masteron
Screens – Ira Whitacre
Director/Camera – To Be Determined
Sound – Shane Kirchner
Greeters – LaMonte & Brenda Rothrock
Ushers – Lela Beam, Brian and Kristen Reynolds & Michael Wagner
Head Usher – Glenn Gayer
Balcony Usher – Mike Goering
Childcare Attendant – To Be Determined
Reminder: The bulletin announcements/weekly newsletter are sent to your email address every Friday with “COB Communications” caption in the address line. You may pick up a paper copy from the stand on the sanctuary level or from the literature rack immediately inside the Education Building front door.