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Heritage Moments
Heritage Moments 1 of 12
Heritage Moments 2 of 12
Heritage Moments 3 of 12
Heritage Moments 4 of 12
Heritage Moments 5 of 12
Heritage Moments 6 of 12
Heritage Moments 7 of 12
Heritage Moments 8 of 12
Trouble I’ve Seen
10/4/20 Book Study 1 of 6
10/11/20 Book Study 2 of 6
10/18/20 Book Study 3 of 6
10/25/20 Book Study 4 of 6
11/1/20 Book Study 5 of 6
11/8/20 Book Study 6 of 6
How Your Church Family Works
8/2/20 Book Study 1 of 5
8/9/20 Book Study 2 of 5
8/16/20 Book Study 3 of 5
8/23/20 Book Study 4 of 5
8/30/20 Book Study 5 of 5
Brethren Organizations
Brethren Denomination
Brethren Press
Brethren Volunteer Service
On Earth Peace
Good Beginnings Preschool
Western Plains District
Brethren Camps
Camp Colorado
Camp Mt. Hermon
Brethren Colleges
McPherson College
Bridgewater College
Elizabethtown College
Juniata College
Manchester University
University of La Verne
Brethren Colleges Abroad
Bethany Seminary
Brethren Retirement Community
The Cedars
Other Organizations
Alternative Christmas Gift Market
Habitat for Humanity
Heifer International
Reuse It Center
Trees For Life
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Camp Colorado Transportation
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Mack Kids Registration
2025 Pledge Form
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Heritage Moments
Heritage Moments 1 of 12
Heritage Moments 2 of 12
Heritage Moments 3 of 12
Heritage Moments 4 of 12
Heritage Moments 5 of 12
Heritage Moments 6 of 12
Heritage Moments 7 of 12
Heritage Moments 8 of 12
Trouble I’ve Seen
10/4/20 Book Study 1 of 6
10/11/20 Book Study 2 of 6
10/18/20 Book Study 3 of 6
10/25/20 Book Study 4 of 6
11/1/20 Book Study 5 of 6
11/8/20 Book Study 6 of 6
How Your Church Family Works
8/2/20 Book Study 1 of 5
8/9/20 Book Study 2 of 5
8/16/20 Book Study 3 of 5
8/23/20 Book Study 4 of 5
8/30/20 Book Study 5 of 5
Brethren Organizations
Brethren Denomination
Brethren Press
Brethren Volunteer Service
On Earth Peace
Good Beginnings Preschool
Western Plains District
Brethren Camps
Camp Colorado
Camp Mt. Hermon
Brethren Colleges
McPherson College
Bridgewater College
Elizabethtown College
Juniata College
Manchester University
University of La Verne
Brethren Colleges Abroad
Bethany Seminary
Brethren Retirement Community
The Cedars
Other Organizations
Alternative Christmas Gift Market
Habitat for Humanity
Heifer International
Reuse It Center
Trees For Life
Church Forms
Camp Colorado Transportation
Contact Church
Give Now
Mack Kids Registration
2025 Pledge Form
Youth Group Registration
Kids Connection
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Parent or Guardian Name
Child's Name
Child's Age
Child's Grade in School
Mailing Address
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Phone
Allergies or Special Needs
Release for Healthcare
In the event of an emergency or non-emergency situation in which medical treatment is required as a result of participation in the activities of the McPherson First Church of the Brethren, every reasonable effort will be made to contact the persons listed above. If unsuccessful in contacting the persons listed, consent is given for treatment by competent medical personnel. Further, consent is given to youth pastors or volunteers of McPherson First Church of the Brethren to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to administer injection, anesthesia or surgery under recommendation of qualified medical personnel.
Indemnification & Release
I/we hereby consent to my/our minor attending and participating in youth activities associated with the McPherson First Church of the Brethren, McPherson, Kansas, which may include various modes of transportation such as bus, train, personal automobile, etc. I/We hereby further consent to medical care and treatment being tendered or furnished to said minor in the event such circumstances should arise, and prompt notification of same will be given to the undersigned. I/We, the undersigned, hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the McPherson First Church of the Brethren and any individual in his or her capacity as leadership team member, officer, director, trustee, pastor, counselor, advisor or teacher from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of or resulting from participation of said minor in the activities indicated above.
Photography Release
The McPherson Church of the Brethren has my permission to use my or my child’s photograph publicly to promote the church. I understand the images may be used in print publications, online publications, presentations, websites and social media. I also understand no royalty, fee or compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use.