10 Oct Worship Bulletin: 10/13/24
Welcome to Worship at the McPherson Church of the Brethren
We invite your active participation in the life of this congregation, as together we continue to grow in grace and seek justice for God’s creation.
Sunday, October 13, 2024 @ 10:15 a.m.
♫Gathering Music | “Hymn Medley”
Ellen Gilbert, organ
Video Welcome
Sharing Time – Joys and Concern | Ann Stover
♫Centering Music | “Be Still, and Know That I Am God” | arr. Scott Oyer
Ellen Gilbert, piano
Responsive Call to Worship | inspired by Psalm 22:1-5 | Katherine Hawker
In a world ravaged by war; in cities undermined by racism;
in homes tormented with apathy, anger, and a frenetic pace; we cry:
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Why are you so far from helping me, from the words of my groaning?
Our schedules offer testimony to our frantic search for meaning;
getting ahead, getting healthy, getting religion.
O my God I cry by day, but you do not answer;
and again I cry by night, but you do not answer.
Slow us down, loving God. Let us be still in your presence.
You remain present and holy. The great I AM.
In you – our ancestors trusted and you delivered them.
To you they cried, and they were saved.
In you – they trusted and were not put to shame.
Be near to us God as we approach you in trust.
♫Opening Song | “What a Friend we have in Jesus” | #574
Story for the Children | Barbara Wagoner
Video Invitation to Give
Give online or send a check made payable to “McPherson Church of the Brethren,” 200 N. Carrie, McPherson, KS 67460
♫Musical Offering | “Prelude in D Major” | JKF Fischer
Ellen Gilbert, organ
Scripture Foci | Job 23:1-9, 16-17 and Psalm 22:1-15
Job 23:1-9, 16-17
The Almighty is Hidden from Job
1 Then Job replied: 2 “Even today my complaint is bitter; God’s hand is heavy [on me] in spite of my groaning. 3 If only I knew where to find God; if only I could go to God’s
dwelling! 4 I would state my case before God and fill my mouth with arguments. 5 I would find out what God would answer me, and consider what God would say to me.
6 Would God vigorously oppose me? No, God would not press charges against me. 7 There the upright can establish their innocence before God, and there I would be
delivered forever from my judge. 8 “But if I go to the east, God is not there; if I go to the west, I do not find God. 9 When God is at work in the north, I do not see God; when God
turns to the south, I catch no glimpse of God. 16 God has made my heart faint; the Almighty has terrified me. 17 Yet I am not silenced by the darkness, by the thick darkness that
covers my face.
Unison Prayer | inspired by Psalm 22:1 and Habakkuk 1: 1-4 | Rev. John Harvey
(lightly adapted)
Living God, we come to you now, in wonder.
We know of your works – as Creator, Upholder, In-dweller, Lover of all
We have known you in our own time, in our own lives,
in the lives of our neighbors.
But, living God, we also come to you in anger and despair.
We look out, and see children dying of hunger, we see nations
torn apart by war, we see greed and corruption blighting the lives
of millions as the earth slowly dies.
When we look within, we see our complicity in much of this, we see
our compromised lives, we see our broken hearts and broken promises.
As we face unrepentant evildoers who implement injustices – we ask,
“Where were you, God, when all this – went so wrong?”
Hear us as we lift our voices to you and cry
“O God, why have you abandoned us?”
We wait and we yearn – to understand. Help us God.
♫Prayer Song | “Healer of our Every Ill” | #377
Psalm 22:1-15
1 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish? 2 My God, I cry out by day or by night, but you do not
answer. I am not silent but I find no rest.
3. Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are enthroned on the praises of Israel 4 In you our ancestors put their trust; they trusted and you delivered them. 5 To you they
cried out and were saved; in you they trusted and were not put to shame.
6 But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by everyone, despised by the people. 7 All who see me mock me; they hurl insults, shaking their heads. 8 “He trusts in God,” they say,
“let God rescue him. Let God deliver him, since God delights in him.” 9 Yet you brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you, even at my mother’s breast. 10 From
birth I was cast on you; from my mother’s womb you have been my God.
11 Do not be far from me, for trouble is near and there is no one to help. 12 Many bulls surround me; strong bulls of Bashan encircle me. 13 Roaring lions that tear their prey open
their mouths wide against me. 14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint. My heart has turned to wax; it has melted within me.
15 My mouth is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth; you lay me in the dust of death.
♫Scripture Song | “My God, My God”
Message | “My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me” | Complaint OR Lament | Kathryn Whitacre
♫Sending Song | “Standing on the Promises”
Sending Words
♫Sending Music | “Amen” | Traditional/arr. Schrader
Jean Hendricks, piano
This Evening
Fall Festival at the home of Barbara & Bruce Wagoner – 755 14th Ave., McPherson
5:30 – 7:30, Potluck (bring a chair if you have one)
Next Sunday – October 20, 2024
McPherson College Homecoming Sunday
Be seated in time for Gathering Music and enjoy the student directed McPherson College Trombone Ensemble
Embrace the worship of the combined efforts of the Mac CoB Worship Choir and the McPherson College Choir
Stay briefly after the worship for a light reception in the Good Shepherd Foyer
Upcoming Activities Celebrations & Worships
Sunday, Nov. 3rd, 2024
National Jr. High Sunday
Sunday, Nov. 10th, 2024
STEP Mc Moment-in-Mission in Worship
Potluck immediately after Worship
Congregational Fall Forum after Potluck
Wednesday, Nov. 20th, 2024
Friendsgiving Meal and Activities
5:30 to approx. 7:00 pm
Sunday, Nov. 24th, 2024
Giving Thanks Worship
Sunday, Dec. 1st, 2024
First Sunday of Advent
Two Important Days:
Monday, October 14th – Indigenous People’s Day
On Indigenous Peoples’ Day, we honor America’s first inhabitants and the Tribal Nations that continue to thrive today.
Indigenous Peoples’ Day is a holiday in the United States that celebrates and honors Native American peoples and commemorates their histories and cultures.
On October 8, 2021, U.S. President Joe Biden became the first U.S. President to formally recognize the holiday, by signing a presidential proclamation declaring October 11, 2021,
to be a national holiday. It is celebrated across the United States on the second Monday in October, and is an official city and state holiday in various localities.
It began as a counter-celebration held on the same day as the U.S. federal holiday of Columbus Day, which honors Italian explorer Christopher Columbus. Some people reject
celebrating him, saying that he represents “the violent history of the colonization in the Western Hemisphere”. Indigenous People’s Day was instituted in Berkeley, California, in
1992, to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the arrival of Columbus in the Americas on October 12, 1492. Two years later, Santa Cruz, California, instituted the holiday. Starting
in 2014, many other cities and states adopted the holiday.
Wednesday, November 20th – Trans Day of Remembrance
Transgender Day of Remembrance, observed on November 20, 2024, is dedicated to honoring the memory of transgender individuals whose lives were lost in acts of anti
transgender violence. This day serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggles faced by the transgender community and highlights the need for continued efforts to achieve
equality and justice.
Videography and Editing: Eric Goering
Music Coordinator: Ellen Gilbert
Choir Director: Becky Snell
Technical Crew: Eric Goering, Ryan Goering, Shane Kirchner, Steve Lolling & Chris Whitacre
Chancel Decoration Team: Jill Brax, Colleen Gustafson, Michele Johnson, Shane Kirchner & Lara Schoming