19 Sep Worship Bulletin: 9/22/24
Welcome to Worship at the McPherson Church of the Brethren
We invite your active participation in the life of this congregation, as together we continue to grow in grace and seek justice for God’s creation.
Sunday, September 22, 2024 @ 10:15 a.m. – International Day of Peace (September 21st)
Communicate Peacefully; Transform Anger, Strengthen Relationships, Resolve Conflicts
Nonviolent Communication NVC, Seedofpeace.org (Bristol, UK), Marshall Rosenberg (1934-2015); founder of the Center for Nonviolent Communication
♫Gathering Music | “When I Look into Your Holiness” with “All Hail the Power” | arr. Perrin/Berry
Ellen Gilbert, piano
Video Welcome
Sharing Time – Joys and Concerns | Jean Hendricks
♫Centering Music | “Sweet Hour of Prayer” | C.E. Walz
Karlene Tyler, piano
Opening Responsive Scriptures
For [Jesus] is our peace, [he] who has made the [Jews and Gentiles] one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,
by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations.
His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace. (Ephesians 2:14–15, NIV)
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. (Ephesians 4:2–3, NIV)
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9, NIV)
♫Opening Song | “For We are Strangers No More” | #322
Story for the Children | Barbara Wagoner
Video Invitation to Give
Give online or send a check made payable to “McPherson Church of the Brethren,” 200 N. Carrie, McPherson, KS 67460
♫Musical Offering | “I’ve Got Peace Like a River” | arr. Mary McDonald
Worship Choir
Scripture Focus | John 14:27a
27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.
♫Scripture Song | “Dona Nobis Pacem” (Grant Us Peace) | #346
Message | “Cultivating a Culture of Peace” | Kathryn Whitacre
♫Sending Song | “This is my Song” (Hymn of Peace)
Sending Words & Song | “Go Now in Peace” | #429
Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As [God] has sent me, I am sending you.” John 20:21
♫Sending Music | “Minuet” | GF Handel
Ellen Gilbert, organ
Jackal Out: Blame the ‘other’
It’s your fault and here’s why.
Jackal In: Blame the ‘self’
It’s my fault – it’s always my fault.
Giraffe In: Self-Assessment
What are my feelings?
What are my needs?
Giraffe Out: Empathy
I validate your feelings.
I validate your needs.
Videography and Editing: Eric Goering
Music Coordinator: Ellen Gilbert
Choir Director: Becky Snell
Technical Crew: Eric Goering, Ryan Goering, Shane Kirchner, Steve Lolling & Chris Whitacre
Chancel Decoration Team: Jill Brax, Colleen Gustafson, Michele Johnson, Shane Kirchner & Lara Schoming