04 Jul Worship Bulletin – 7/4/21
McPherson First Church of the Brethren
Welcome to Worship at the McPherson Church of the Brethren
We invite your active participation in the life of this congregation, as together we continue to grow in grace and seek justice for God’s creation.
Sunday, July 4, 2021
Church of the Brethren Online Annual Conference 2021
GOD’S ADVENTUROUS FUTURE | Filled with a Promise
Patrick Starkey, Preacher
Gathering Music
“Move in Our Midst” | AC Virtual Choir
“All Things New” | Gregory Bachman
Prelude | “Holy Mann” | arr. Wilbur Held
Call to Worship
Hymn | “Come we that love the Lord”
Scripture Reading | Revelation 21:1-6
Hymn | “New Earth, Heavens New”
The Invitation to Give | Core Ministries, Church of the Brethren
An offering for the mission and ministry of the Church of the Brethren. Through your generous gifts to our Core Ministries,
you strengthen and expand our work with international mission and Brethren Volunteer Service. You support the training
of fearless and compassionate disciples through youth and young adult ministries, intercultural ministries, and Discipleship
Ministry events and initiatives. You invest in local missions and evangelism, leadership formation for vital congregations, and
the ongoing work to plant new congregations and renew established ones. Your offering is part of another way of living, the
Jesus way, that witnesses to the world through faith, hope, and love. Thank you for partnering in this life-changing work for
the glory of God and our neighbor’s good. To give click here: www.brethren.org/giveAC-core-ministries
Our Prayer
Prayer Response | “View the Present” | Troeger/Hopp
Sermon | See! God’s Future Filled with Promise
Choral Anthem | “Total Praise” | Smallwood/Rao
Blessing Statement
Service of Consecration
Postlude | “Don’t Stop” | Fleetwood Mac
Preacher: Patrick Starkey
Worship Leaders: Cindy Laprade Lattimer, Robbie Miller & Mandy North
Call to Worship, Invocation, Prayer: Eric Bishop
Scripture Reading: Azyra, Micah & Joanna Starkey
Music Coordinator: Josh Tindall
Organist: Robin Risser Mundey
Gathering Music: Gregory Bachman, Composer and Director; Bells: Ron Bellamy; Organ: Josh Tindall;
Violin and Viola: Jan Fisher Bachman, Anabel Ramirez Detrick, Benjamin Detrick, Matthew Detrick, Venona Detrick,
William Kinzie, Joel Staub; Cello: Sebastian Jolles, Bree Woodruff; Bass: Benedikt Hochwartner; Electric Bass: Nate
DeGoede; Female Voices: Mary Ellen DeWitt, Elizabeth Tindall; Male Voices: Joe Detrick, Emery DeWitt, Josh Tindall;
Post-Production: David Sollenberger; With special thanks to: The Apollo Chamber Players of Houston, Texas and the
American International School of Vienna, Austria
Gathering Music: Annual Conference Virtual Choir recorded in 2020 for the Denominational Worship Gathering
Anthem: Stone Church of the Brethren Choir, Huntingdon, PA; video produced by Andy Murray