02 May Worship Bulletin – 5/2/21
McPherson First Church of the Brethren
Welcome to Worship at the McPherson Church of the Brethren
We invite your active participation in the life of this congregation, as together we continue to grow in grace and seek justice for God’s creation.
Sunday, May 2, 2021
NATIONAL YOUTH SUNDAY | “Lonely and Afflicted”
Psalm 25:15-17
Welcoming Video
Greeting | Pastor Jerry Bowen
Centering Music
Dot Janzen, piano
Call to Worship | Written by Rachel Witkovsky
Read by Sophie Blevins
Opening Song | “Blest Are They”
Invitation to Give
Offering Music | “I Can See Clearly Now”
Caleb Samland, saxophone
Give online or send a check made payable to “McPherson Church of the Brethren,” 200 N. Carrie, McPherson, KS 6746
Offertory Prayer
Presented by Noah Wilgers
Children’s Story
Presented by Sage Koelling
Congregational Prayer | Written by Rachel Witkovsky
Presented by Malia Pfeiff
Scripture Jam | Written by Rachel Witkovsky | Based on Psalm 25:15-17
Read by Mallory Koelling, Aubrey Martens & Jonah Scott
Reader 1: My eyes are focused on God
Reader 2: turned toward the Lord
Reader 3: always looking to God
All: I keep my eyes on God.
Reader 1: And God will pluck my feet from the net
Reader 2: Keep me from tripping up
Reader 3: free me from the tangled web, that’s why…
All: I keep my eyes on God.
Reader 1: But sometimes
Reader 2: a lot of times,
Reader 1: I feel so alone.
Reader 3: Troubles weigh me down
Reader 2: and snare me once again, so…
All: I keep my eyes on God.
Reader 1: even then, my mind will fight with my heart
Reader 2: you are lonely, it says,
Reader 3: you are afflicted, it chants,
Reader 1: you are not enough, but…
All: I keep my eyes on God.
Reader 2: And God changes the script
Reader 3: flips it on its end
Reader 1: speaks truth to the lies my mind tells me.
Reader 2: And my heart agrees with God, as…
All: I keep my eyes on God.
Reader 1: God calls a truce to the war inside
Reader 2: setting me free of my distress
Reader 3: relieving the troubles of my heart, so…
All: I keep my eyes on God.
Reader 1: God is gracious!
Reader 2: God is so good!
Reader 3: God will not leave me alone!
Reader 1: I keep my eyes on God
Reader 2: And God keeps God’s eyes on me.
Reader 3: Always
Reader 2: And forever
All: Amen.
Message | 14 Seniors Tell Their Story
Congratulations to this year’s high school graduates! MCPHERSON HIGH SCHOOL: Sophie Blevins, Tessa Boesker,
Kyra Byrd, Levi Cromwell, Logan Ediger, Kade Kaufman, Sage Koelling, Aubrey Martens, Elissa Nelson, Cat Palacios,
Matthew Powers, Jonah Scott & Maddie Skytte; SMOKY VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL: Addie Heitschmidt & Gabe Lundberg;
MOUNDRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL: Sequora Pfeiff & Kira Jackson
Sending Song | “Guide My Feet”
Sending Words | Written by Rachel Witkovsky
Presented by Eli Leck
Dot Janzen, piano
Videography and Editing: Eric Goering
Music Coordinator: Ellen Gilbert
Technical Crew: Eric Goering, Ryan Goering, Shane Kirchner, Steve Lolling & Chris Whitacre