The Leadership Team of the McPherson Church of the Brethren met remotely on August 30, 2020, to discuss COVID-19 Safety Protocols presented by the COVID-19 Task Force. A heartfelt appreciation is given to the Task Force (consisting of Dan Lichty, Ellen Gilbert, Kim Janzen, Gail Malably, Paul Ullom-Minnich and Jerry Bowen) for their quick response and willingness to share information with the Leadership Team. Additions and suggestions to Safety Protocols will be sent back to the COVID-19 Task Force for clarification and further internal discussion before finalizing a workable set of procedures for Teams to use and persons to plan how to come back together safely. In the meantime, Teams are beginning to formulate plans to be able to comply with Safety Protocols. At this time the Leadership Team has chosen not to set a future date for reopening but is working together on how to be Church . . . safely . . . soon.
– Lela Beam, Chair, Leadership Team