03 Sep Leadership Team Meeting – 6/23/19
Church Leadership Team Minutes
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Members Present: Suzee Shugart, Charlotte Loewen, Carolyn Masterson, Phil Stover, Wylene Lengel, Kendra Bowen, Beth Versaw, Karlene Tyler
Staff Present: Jerry Bowen
Minutes of May 19, 2019 were approved after correction, after consensus.
Transportation Policy
Jerry requests an addition to the MCoB policy for transport of minors under 17 for church events. Currently the policy states that drivers transporting minors under 17, must be 25 years or older. To clarify that this covers campers, Jerry will bring the current policy with the change to the Leadership meeting in August, for approval.
Treasurer Request re: Management of Church Finances
We discussed the topic, including the current work to put checks and balances in place in regard to church funds and the changes required by the People’s Bank. Carolyn Masterson, church treasurer, is delegated, by the leadership team, to manage the funds of the McPherson Church of the Brethren. Phil suggested that we put this topic on the calendar for annual update of the delegation of fund management.
Faith Formation
Suzee reported that 2019 Bible School was successful. The team has not met this month. Plans for promotion Sunday are in the works.
Caregiving Ministry
Charlotte reported that the team will not meet in July. Upcoming plans to invite those candidates for the group leaders, offering two introduction meetings to learn about the commitment to the work.
Kendra reported that the team is working to organize Service Sunday. One group will work in the community to help with projects requested and the other group will work in the church. Snacks will be provided for workers. The team is working on plans to prepare some type of kit i.e.: Health Kits for Disaster Relief by the kids.
Carolyn reported that we are doing better than last June, in collections. The team is working on separation of duties in handling funds. The Peoples Bank merger has required that our bank account numbers change. Carolyn will be reviewing all that needs to take place and implement the changes. Budget sheets will come out to Team Leaders to insure our budget is ready for November Forum.
Jerry reported that camp went well—numbers of participants were strong; transportation arrangements were without event; and campers and volunteers found a rich experience at camp! Jerry is looking for a youth representative for District Conference. Kathryn found a “Creation Care curriculum” for Kingdom Kids and Junior High Youth. The High School will use a plan created by Sage for her senior project in 2019-20 school year.
Gifts Assessment and Development
Jerry reported in Roger’s absence. Roger will email a list for Leadership Team chairs to gather information about the needs they have for positions on teams.
Phil reported on the following projects:
1. Four water heaters in the church failed in June. Three of the four have been replaced and the fourth has been received and will be installed in the next weeks.
2. A bid for repair of the Baptismal tank has been received and will be repaired this summer.
3. R&R Roofing of Galva will replace the church roofs.
4. Floors in the preschool rooms will be fixed by August 7th.
5. Eric Johnson is proposing a plan to implement Photo Voltaic (P.V.) solar program for the church. A new roof is required therefore, this will be a staged project.
Wylene reported, on behalf of the Worship Team, the Organ Repair Fund includes $10k in donations, $6k pledges, and $3k in memorials for a total of $19k. The work is being scheduled as soon as the repair company is available.
Summer Meeting Schedule: July no meeting; August 18, 2019
Respectfully submitted by,
Beth L. Versaw