24 Aug Leadership Team Meeting – 5/19/19
Church Leadership Team Minutes
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Members present: Roger Schrock, Carolyn Schrock, Jean Hendricks, Kathryn Whitacre, Bryan Hess, Phil Stover, Charlotte Loewen, Jerry Bowen, Karlene Tyler, Wylene Lengel
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Summer Leadership Team Meetings will be June 23, August 18. There will be no meeting in July.
LaMonte Rothrock has given his team’s recommendations to the Congregational Forum members for review.
Charlotte Loewen is convening a Caregiving Ministry group. Presently they are brainstorming names to ask to serve. The term would be a 2 year commitment, with staggering year membership. There will be an informational meeting, and there will be a 2 hour training for caregiving.
Jean Hendricks – Worship Team
1. Asked that feedback concerning worship needs to go directly to team members.
2. There will be a retreat on July 29 that will take a philosophical/theological look at worship.
3. Organ needs repair. Finance Team is aware of the cost of $27,000. There has already been a commitment of $8,000 plus $4,000 in memorial funds. Discussion ensued whether or not the Leadership Team should support this as a project. Jean will send out the proposal and rationale, after which there will be an electronic vote.
Jerry Bowen – Youth Team
1. Travel for camps is going well.
2. There will be training during the summer for the new team.
Suzee Shugart – Faith Formation (Reported by Jerry Bowen)
1. Vacation Bible School plans are set and all are on board. Background checks have been done and all who are working with youth next fall will have background checks done.
2. How are we paying for background checks? This year a line item is under Church Forum budget using Holloway Leadership Memorial money.
3. Next year this will be built into the budget.Summer Sunday school is being taught by Lela Beam and Jerry Bowen on Social Justice.
Phil Stover – Properties
1. Bids are coming in for roof repair.
2. Work is being done on air conditioning in Jr. and Sr. High rooms.
3. Floor refinishing is being done in 2 rooms for child care. Money from Eis memorial is being used.
4. Dan Lichty is bringing a bid for Baptistry repair.
5. Foundation repair at the southwest door is being addressed.
6. Ovens in the kitchen need to be repaired.
7. Phil is working on getting part time help.
Kathryn Whitacre – Liaison from Ministry
1. Starting June 1 there will no longer be paper inserts in the bulletin. Instead every Friday an electronic insert will be emailed to the congregation. However, there will be hard copies available for those who do not have access to email.
2. Transitional Ministry Conference will be held next fall in Wichita instead of Michigan.
Bryan Hess – Finance Team
1. This year we are $6,000 in the red which is $14,000 better than last year.
2. There will be a new process implemented for counting and accounting for the offering.
3. Question was asked if insurance covers musical instruments and AV equipment.
Carolyn Schrock reported that Open Door Team has not met.
Roger Schrock – Gifts Discernment
1. Looking into how to store information since using the Cloud costs $30 per month.
Chris Whitacre – AV Team
1. Chris reported that Channel 13 will probably be going away since Cox doesn’t like to support analog. Also, the FCC is taking bandwidth away from public to use for phones and Emergency Systems. That is all to say that streaming will probably be what we will be using in the future.